Introducing Fedia Jacobs
After my medical studies (1974 – 1981), I worked for military psychiatry in the context of fulfilling my military service (1981 – 1983) and was trained as a psychiatrist (1983 – 1987). In 1987 I finished my training as a psychiatrist at the Sinai Center. There I then worked as a psychiatrist until March 2022 (almost 35 years). The Sinai Center is an expert institution for the treatment of the consequences of 'man made disaster'. I worked for the outpatient clinic, the day treatment and the clinic. In collaboration with fellow care providers, I have developed the clinic into an expert center for the intensive treatment of trauma-related problems. In general, the desired result is achieved and the clients were very satisfied.
I have been able to practice the full breadth of the medical specialty psychiatry. In addition to client-oriented work, I was a trainer for nurse specialists, acted as acting first physician, performed consultative work in the field of trauma-related problems for various organizations and was a teacher at advanced training courses in mental health care.
I come from a Jewish family, in which the lasting consequences of the persecution of the Jews during the Second World War were noticeable. My parents, despite their grief, also managed to deal with their past in an admirably constructive way. Throughout my professional development and career, my family backgrounds have played a role. I have developed a specific treatment, aimed at the children of victims of violence (see elsewhere on this site). I published two books about this (see elsewhere on this site).
Description of the practice
Kasjar's practice is a small mental health practice for:
Psychiatrische diagnostiek houdt in, dat ik u bevraag en met u meedenk over de aard van uw problemen. Ik doe daarover een uitspraak en geef advies. Indien gewenst en mogelijk, behandel ik u vervolgens zelf of verwijs ik u na afronding van de diagnostiek door binnen of buiten 1nP verband (zie hieronder)
Meedenken en advies bij complexe zorgvragen op het gebied van psychotrauma.
Advisering van hulpverleners in de GGZ.
This concerns non-contracted care at an adjusted (to be agreed upon) rate. This means that the health insurance company offers partial or no reimbursement for my services. A referral from the GP is not necessary.
With the consent of clients, the GP does receive a message and/or report of the conversations held. The current waiting time at Kasjar is several weeks.
What diagnostics and advice can you contact me for?
You can contact me for diagnostics and advice with a broad focus area. For example, consider:
Compulsive complaints
Trauma related problems
Feelings of insecurity
Lack of self-esteem/confidence.
If you have been treated in mental health care in the past, I will be able to ask you for permission at the first consultation to obtain information from previous practitioners about their conclusions and treatment.
For what can younotcome to me?
Diagnostic call at:
Very severe depression or mania
Severe difficulty controlling impulses leading to self-harm or disruption to one's own life or that of others
Addiction problem
Eating disorders
I am a registered psychiatrist. I am a member of the Dutch Association for Psychiatry. I am affiliated with the Disputes Committee Foundation, PO Box 90600, 2509 LP The Hague
I am a registered psychiatrist. I am a member of the Dutch Association for Psychiatry. I am affiliated with the Disputes Committee Foundation, PO Box 90600, 2509 LP The Hague
Location calls
In consultation.